Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The old age rant continues . .

You may ask yourself, "How will I know that I'm getting old?" And you would be wise to do so. Here is my answer, the operational definition of growing old is this: the mail man delivers your brand new automatic blood pressure monitor!

My new doc, a wonderfully bright late 20, early 30 something suggested that I monitor the old BP and I assured her that I would do that whenever I'm in Kroger, they have those nifty BP chairs. At least they used to, before the big remodel of every Kroger within 50 miles of Macon. So, after some online accuracy research I ordered one and it came today.

The good news is that it seems to be as accurate as advertised, there were not reading of 300 over 200. The better news is that after a few minutes of breathing slowly I tricked it into giving me a nice reading. As one who works with numbers, loves amateurish research, and has a new automatic blood pressure monitor, this could be fun. Thanks Doc!

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