Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random thoughts on readings

"So, do you have any grandchildren?" An innocent question, that I was asked, that slapped me in the face! I'm old, so there Part Two What causes crime and violence? Societal disempowerment, to start, makes a good explanation. If you are essentially marginalized and cut out by your "society" and there are a lot of you, then it's frontier justice that directs your travel through life and not the law and order of the society. Affronts to your personhood and the personhood of your peers are treated as threats to your honor, and honor is all that you can claim. Income disparity,and the attendant societal disempowerment, has been shown to make life miserable for EVERYONE in the disparate societies. Shorter lives, less happiness, and less certainly. Just a few thoughts for a cool November end.

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